
The Dos and Don'ts of Dealing With Stinging Insects

wasp nest

Stinging insects like bees and wasps can be both a nuisance and a potential danger for homeowners. While these insects play an essential role in pollination and natural pest control, their painful stings can cause allergic reactions – sometimes even life-threatening – in some individuals. In this blog post, we'll explore the dos and don'ts of dealing with these unwelcome guests, brought to you by Sage Pest Control – your go-to experts in keeping your home safe and pest-free!

DO: Know Your Stinging Insects

The first step in dealing with stinging insects is to identify the type of insect you're dealing with. Different species have unique behaviors, nesting habits, and levels of aggression. Common stinging insects include:

  • Honeybees: Beneficial pollinators that usually sting only when threatened. Their nests are typically found in hollow trees or under overhangs.

  • Bumblebees: Large, fuzzy bees that nest in the ground or preexisting, small cavities. They are generally non-aggressive but may sting if disturbed.

  • Wasps: Aggressive insects that build papery nests in sheltered areas like eaves, shrubs, or tree branches. Yellow jackets and paper wasps are common varieties.

  • Hornets: A large member of the wasp family, hornets build large, round, or football-shaped nests in trees or under eaves.

Understanding the type of insect you're dealing with will help you determine the best course of action.

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DON'T: Attempt DIY Removal of Active Nests

If you discover an active nest on your property, it's crucial not to attempt removal or extermination on your own. Stinging insects can become highly aggressive when defending their nests, leading to multiple stings and an increased risk of injury. Instead, call the professionals at Sage Pest Control for safe and effective removal.

DO: Take Preventative Measures

The best way to avoid problems with stinging insects is to make your property less attractive to them in the first place. Here are some tips for prevention:

  • Keep trash cans tightly sealed to avoid attracting scavengers like yellow jackets.

  • Repair any holes or gaps in your home's exterior to prevent bees from nesting in walls or eaves.

  • Trim back trees and shrubs near your home to reduce potential nesting sites.

  • Avoid wearing sweet-smelling perfumes or scented lotions that might attract stinging insects.

DON'T: Swat or Squish Stinging Insects

If a stinging insect lands on you or buzzes around you, resist the urge to swat or squish it. This will likely agitate the insect and increase the chances of being stung. Instead, calmly move away or gently brush it off without causing harm.

DO: Treat Stings Appropriately

If you do get stung by a stinging insect, it's essential to treat the sting quickly and appropriately. For most people, stings can be treated at home using the following steps:

  • Remove the stinger (if present) by scraping gently with a credit card or long fingernail. Avoid using tweezers, as this can release more venom.

  • Clean the sting site with soap and water.

  • Apply a cold pack or ice wrapped in a cloth to reduce swelling and pain.

  • Take an over-the-counter pain reliever or antihistamine if needed.

If you experience difficulty breathing, swelling of the face or throat, rapid heartbeat, or severe pain, seek immediate medical attention, as these may be signs of a severe allergic reaction.

DON'T: Hesitate to Call Sage Pest Control

When it comes to dealing with stinging insects in Charlotte, Greensboro, Raleigh, Garner, Concord, or the surrounding area, your safety and comfort are our top priorities. If you're facing a problem with bees, wasps, or hornets on your property, don't hesitate to give Sage Pest Control a call. Our expert technicians will assess your situation and provide the most effective and safe solution for your home.

By following these dos and don'ts, you can enjoy your outdoor spaces without the worry of stinging insects. And remember, Sage Pest Control is always here to help you maintain a pest-free home – just give us a call at (704) 413-3398!

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