
What to Do If You Find Ticks in Your Home: A Pet Owner's Guide

removing tick from dog

Ticks are tiny bloodsucking parasites that love nothing more than to latch onto animals and humans alike. Unfortunately, as a pet owner, you may know all too well how easy it is for ticks to hop a ride on your furry friend and how quickly they can infest your home. But don't panic! In this blog post, we'll share our expert tips on what to do if you discover a tick problem so you can keep your pets and family safe.

Removing Ticks from People and Pets

If you find a tick on your pet or family member, it's essential to remove it promptly and properly.

1. Use tweezers

Avoid using your fingers to remove the tick, as this can cause the tick's mouthparts to break off and remain in the skin. Grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible and pull straight up with steady, even pressure. Do not twist or jerk the tick, as this can cause the mouthparts to break off and remain in the skin.

2. Kill the ticks after removing them

Once you have removed a tick, place it in a container with rubbing alcohol to kill it. If you're concerned about tick-borne illnesses, it's a good idea to save the dead tick in a sealed bag to bring to your doctor or veterinarian for identification purposes. For example, according to the CDC, the blacklegged tick (Ixodes scapularis) and western blacklegged tick (Ixodes pacificus) can spread Lyme disease.

3. Clean the affected area

After removing the tick, clean the bite area with soap and water or rubbing alcohol. Apply an antiseptic cream or ointment to prevent infection. Monitor the area for any signs of a rash or fever, as these can be symptoms of tick-borne illnesses.

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Treating and Avoiding Tick Problems

Ticks can carry dangerous diseases, so it's crucial to protect yourself and your family.

1. Wear repellents and cover up

Wear long sleeves, pants, and closed-toe shoes when spending time in the great outdoors, and use insect repellent that contains at least 20% DEET.

2. Conduct "tick checks" after outdoor treks

Be thorough: ticks can end up in places you might not expect, like behind your ears and in your armpits! On your pet, don't forget to check between their toes and under their collar.

3. Protect your pets with pet-safe solutions

There are a multitude of treatments and wearable products for dogs and cats, from oral medications to botanical sprays. Always consult your veterinarian before deciding what product to try, as they can help you take possible side effects into consideration. Also, keep in mind that even some all-natural products can be toxic to dogs and cats, which makes consulting your vet that much more important!

4. Call a pest control professional

If you find ticks in your home or around your property on a regular basis, it's essential to call a pest control professional. They can inspect your home and yard for potential tick habitats and provide treatments to eliminate the pests. Sage Pest Control offers tick control services that are safe for pets and humans—so you can have total peace of mind while getting the pest control help you need.

Charlotte Tick Control

Finding ticks in your home can be an alarming experience, but it's important to take action immediately. By following these tips, you can safely remove ticks and prevent an infestation. If you need help with tick control, contact Sage Pest Control for professional, conscientious assistance: (704) 413-3398.

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