
How Do Rats and Mice Get Inside Houses?

rat perching on tree branch

If you're unlucky enough to have rats or mice in your home, chances are they didn't just walk in through the front door (although that has happened). These unwelcome guests are experts at finding their way inside, and there are a few key ways they do it.

Keep reading to learn about how rodents get inside homes and how to prevent rodent problems!

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How rats and mice get inside houses

Mice and rats are experts at infiltrating the indoors. They are adept at climbing, and they can fit through a hole as small as a dime. They also have sharp, powerful incisors they can use to chew their way into a building. Rats have even been known to chew through fiberglass, sheet metal, and cinderblock!

Here are some ways rodents access people’s homes:

  • Squeezing through tiny cracks, gaps, and openings around doors and windows
  • Chewing through wood and other materials to create their own access point
  • Entering through holes in external walls meant for pipes and cables
  • Squeezing through vents leading to attics or crawlspaces
  • Accessing upstairs windows by climbing up vines, gutters, downspouts, and textured walls
  • Jumping or crossing over into windows from nearby trees
  • Hitching a ride on something that's already going into the house, like laundry, boxes, or furniture

If you want to keep these critters out, it's essential to seal up any gaps around your home and be careful about what you bring inside. Otherwise, you may find yourself with some unexpected (and unwanted) houseguests.

How to prevent rats and mice from getting inside your house

Rats and mice are pesky little creatures that love nothing more than to invade your home in search of food and shelter. If you're not careful, they can become a big problem fast. Here are a few tips to help keep them out:

  1. Make sure your doors and windows are tight-fitting and in good repair. These pests can squeeze through tiny openings.
  2. Keep your house clean, inside and out. Rats and mice are attracted to food sources; make sure to store food properly and clean up any messes right away. That includes pet food!
  3. Seal any holes or cracks in the foundation or exterior of your house. Again, these pests can fit through surprisingly small spaces.
  4. Don't overlook the outdoors. Keep your yard tidy and free of debris where rats and mice can hide.

Following these simple tips can help keep these unwelcome visitors out of your home.

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Why it's important to have professional help with a rodent infestation

If you've ever had the “pleasure” of dealing with a rodent infestation, you know it's not a DIY job. These pesky critters can squeeze through itty-bitty cracks and holes, which means that your home is vulnerable to an infestation at any time — and once they're inside, they're not easy to get rid of. That's why calling in a professional is crucial when you suspect a problem.

A professional can quickly identify the scope of the infestation and develop a customized plan to get rid of the rodents. And perhaps best of all, they'll be able to do it without damaging your home. So if you're dealing with a rodent problem, don't hesitate to call in a professional. It's the best way to ensure that the problem is taken care of quickly and effectively.

Expert Rat and Mice Removal in North Carolina

Now that you know the most common ways rats and mice get into homes and how to prevent them, we hope you’ll take action to keep them out. If you already have a rodent problem, Sage Pest Control can help! Don’t hesitate to give our Charlotte mice control and rat removal experts a call today at (704) 413-3398 for customized solutions.

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