
How to Control a Rodent Infestation


Have you ever been startled awake from a deep sleep by the scratching sound of pesky, unwanted house guests scurrying through the walls of your home? Have you ever been cleaning your kitchen only to find small rodent droppings that make your stomach turn? Unfortunately, you’re not alone in these experiences. As some of the most common pests in the United States, mice regularly make themselves at home in human habitations like houses, commercial buildings, and apartments. Whether you’re an admirer of mice or have a strong distaste for rodents in general, the presence of just one or two mice in your home is, indeed, cause for concern.

Is There Ever Just One Mouse?

Any expert will tell you; where there is one mouse, there are inevitably more. Thanks to rapid three-week gestation cycles and large litters (8 on average) two mice can quickly multiply to 10, which can become 18, then 26, then 66, and so on. Sixty weeks of an uncontrolled mouse infestation could result in over one million mice. If the swift, intrusive reproduction rate doesn’t make the hair on your neck stand, knowing about the illnesses and diseases these critters carry will. 

Why Are Rodents Dangerous?

Commonly found in areas throughout North Carolina, the Cotton Rat, Rice Rat, Deer Mouse, and White-Footed Mouse, all carry hantaviruses which they shed through their urine, droppings, and saliva. By breathing in air that’s contaminated with hantavirus, humans can contract severe, often fatal respiratory illnesses.

Signs of a Rodent Infestation

There are several common indicators that you’ll likely notice if you’re experiencing a mouse infestation. Keep an eye out for any of the following.

How to Tell If You Have Rats or Mice:

  • Small, cylindrical droppings in drawers, cupboards, & other areas where food is found.
  • Signs of chewing & nibbling on food packages, especially in corners.
  • Holes chewed along baseboards, walls, & flooring that allow mice to enter the interior of your home.
  • Tight, hidden areas emitting a foul, stale scent.
  • Shredded paper & other materials from mice building nests.
  • Odd scratching noises in your floors, walls, or cupboards.

While keeping both the inside and outside of your home clean and free of clutter, debris, food matter, etc., can help prevent rodents from infesting your home, some methods of pest control are more effective than others.

How to Get Rid of Mice in Your House

As part of the southeastern United States, North Carolina features the type of mild climate and lush vegetation in which mice thrive. If you’re able to catch a mouse infestation in its very early stages before they start seriously multiplying, arranging mouse traps around your home may suffice as a means of rodent control. If you’re uncomfortable with this method, however, or want absolute certainty that your home is rodent-free, the best way to get rid of mice is through the use of a professional pest control service.

At Sage Pest Control, our trained extermination technicians have years of experience in rodent and pest control throughout North Carolina. Through the use of extensive knowledge, effective techniques, and safe products, Sage Pest Control can quickly rid your home of invasive insects, mice, and other rodents. 

Contact us today if you have a rodent infestation by calling (704) 413-3398.
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